Music In Business

Producing your own music.
Being music producer requires vast music knowlege in all its aspects as much as knowing the maket and business part of music…
How to produce your music. The very first think we have to ask ourself it the ourselves of purpose. We ned=ed to know the market we target with our product. For ex, if we would like to have our song being played on the Radio, we need a special mix “radio play mix”, or if we want to make a commercial song “jingle” for the advertising, we need to tag the frequencies of the TV, so we need a different mix. This gives you an idea about the other aspects of producing. If the music is to be played in Europe, America, or in the school radio, or the clubs & pubs… the age group, etc it all plays a part of how you need to approach the market with your product. This is you direction of the producing your music…

5 Misconceptions About Making Music.
When it comes to creating music seriously, there’s what the world thinks and then what music-makers know to be true. Music is arguably the most impactful art form on the planet, but for how popular it is much of the non-musical world doesn’t know much about what goes into creating it. These are just five of the many popular misconceptions out there about making music:
1- The best songs are the product of sudden inspiration
2- Suffering artists make the best music
3- Only young artists can make relevant music
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4- You’re only successful if your music makes money
5- Writing music isn’t actually “work”
Serious musicians from around the world will continue exploring and creating on their own terms no matter how wrong everyone else gets it. It’s often a lonely and frustrating position to be in, but luckily many artists use their isolation as inspiration for their own benefit.
Patrick McGuire is a writer, musician, and human man. He lives nowhere in particular, creates music under the name Straight White Teeth, and has a great affinity for dogs and putting his hands in his pockets.

Commercial aspect of music business.
Did you know that…
- Mos record deals don’t require the record company even to make a record, much less to release it?
- You don’t have to register in sena music royalties, Buma Stemra, or any other music rights company to get your copyrights?
- If we write the song together, and you write only the lirics and I write only themusic, each of us owns apiece of the music and each of us owbs a piece of the lyrics? And that neither of us can use just the music, or just the lirics, without paying the other?..
- Some film music composers can’t even write music, much less creat the arrangements for each instrument of an orchestra?
– What is music business.
– Why is it important to have superb Electronic Press Kit (EPK), or/and promo package, social media, social network, making a good demo ?
– How the record royalties are computed?
– What is a copyright?
– How music publishing works?
This questions play essential roll in your presentation and sharing your music products. We are going to tag this aspects and discover the best ways to present your music, advertise & share sell.
Produsing Theory
The Intersection of Audiences and Production
All You Need To Know About The Music Business
by Donald S. Passman