Igor Demydczuk
The only barrier to music
is disbelieve of making it.
What do I do, & why do I do it?
Music brings so much pleasurable to the world that needs to be shared. It is fun, it motivates, makes us feel inspired, free and happy. I would like to invite everyone to take part in music, learn how to play instrument, how to form tones & sounds, melodies & harmonies and take full advantage of what music has to offer.
Join and experience music yourself
'Music in life
Music is the language of 'Emotion - Energy in motion -, thru tones, vibration, frequencies. I was born in the musical family. I heave learn the music the same way the baby learns to speak the language. By the tie I started to play a musical instrument I already knew the musical principles and forms.
I believe everybody can learn the music. Just like every baby can learn any language, anybody can learn ho to use and play a musical instrument. There are many ways and methods to do it. The main two of them are:
1- Oral traditional way coming from the old ethnic/folk music, still being used in the Pop music culture.
2- Academic education, coming from the classical music techniques and methods, notation and musical forms.
In my opinion, both of them are very effective. In my opinion, it is useful to learn the music using both of them, by balancing in between them accordingly to your taste and your preference on music.
Both require participation, posibly with another musicians, teacher etc... It is a special kind of language, which instead of words uses vibrations, bringing us to a higher level of emotional communication. It is quite hard to describe it in words, so the best way I would say, is to experience it on your own.
Just try it & you will get this.
Stydying music in different countrys gave me an oportunity to experiance musical education from in a different ways, with different approaches to music using different methods and studying sustems. This gave me a great experiance as a musicain giving me an oportunity to work in many cultures and ethnic groups.
I started me music education in Poland, during the time the country was still under the communistic system. I started with the Classical Music and methods, which came from a long time researchers and carefully crafted music education system build by generations of music scholar. Here I obtained proper technique and knowledge about every aspect of classical music.
In the pursue of music education, I had moved to USA, where I continued my study of Modern Music & Jazz. It was quite different way of studying in a relation between the student and Docent. Here I had learned the skills improvisation, jazz harmony/piano voicing and other practice routine. I had a pleasure to performing with some well known artists; Larry Coriel and Eric Marienthal and I gain a lot of stage experiance.
Back in Europe, I came to the Netherlands. I joined world bands performing traditional African & South American latin music and SKA. Because of that I was exposed to the 'World Music' to which I developed a particular taste for. I this this time, I have also enrolled in a new faculty in music major the N A I P - ( New Audiences & Innovative Practice). I did the research on my own Ukrainian and Icelandic culture. In 2014, I did my thesis about Ethnic & Folk music elements in compare with Jazz and Modern Music. I made my Master presentation at the University of Applied Sciences in Groningen, the Netherlands on February, 2015.
This whole music experience taught me a deep humbleness and respect for music.
My most influential music teachers: My Mother-Jadwiga Litniowska, Zygmunt Wybraniec, Joachim Pichura, Bill Dobbins, Marc van Roon & Jasper Soffers.
CV & Diplomas
Album "Sugary"
Jammah Tammah
Igor Demydczuk
Creative Music School:
Kievitstraat 6b-1
9791 ER, Ten Boer
T: 06-82374029
E: igorcreativist@icloud.com
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